Awaken your true potential by letting go of emotions, patterns of thoughts, and behaviors that hold you back, gain full control of your health, release old trauma, overcome depression and anxiety and become empowered by discovering your self-worth consciously and unconsciously.
NLP is a popular method because it uses perceptual, behavioral, and communication techniques to easily change behavior, thoughts and actions. It's main focus is to explore future possibilities and solutions, rather than reliving past memories or experiences, and instead "review" the past to search for the origin of the problem, using NLP techniques for permanent change, creating opportunities and widening perceptions.
How Can NLP Help You?
Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is used to improve all areas of a person’s life. NLP uses the power of language to break down the mental barriers we unconsciously create for ourselves. When reaching your full potential can seem impossible, NLP coaching can use techniques to help you realize that the only thing holding you back in life, is yourself.
“Neuro” meaning nerve, refers to the way we gather information from the outside world, using our five senses.
“Linguistic” is the study of language, referring to the way we make sense of said information by organizing it into the structure of language.
“Programming” is our way of controlling something. This refers to how we interpret the world and how we control our daily actions, choices and behaviors.
What is Neuro Linguistic
Programming (NLP)?
Neuro-linguistic programming is one of the most useful tools to come from modern psychology. It is a way of changing someone’s thoughts and behaviors to help achieve desired outcomes for them.
It can assist with stress management, improving communication skills, resolving destructive patterns, health and well-being, fears, phobias and anxieties, confidence, and so much more.
The NLP techniques was developed in 1972 by John Grinder and Richard Bandler. Passionate in mastering the study of human excellence, they based their study to look at the work of Virginia Satir, the “mother of family therapy”, Fritz Perls, the psychotherapist behind Gestalt Therapy, and Milton Erickson, the first therapist to use hypnosis for medical purposes.
NLP is founded on the idea that people operate by internal “maps” of the world that they learn through sensory experiences. It teaches us how changing the way we perceive the world can lead us to adjust our behaviors in order to live the life we truly want for ourselves.
As an NLP coach I will encourage clients to transform limiting self-beliefs and move out of their comfort zones to help to create a happier and satisfying life.
How does NLP work?
Imagine the following situation: two people have been unexpectedly divorced by their spouse. Both people have been forced to move out of their home, and adapt to a new life for new opportunities.
Person A is initially upset by the unexpected loss and changes, but has become accustomed to the understanding that their once thought of soul-mate, is now nothing more than a memory. They make the most of the free time by going out to meet a new people, they explore new adventures on their bucket list. The new daily routines are lonelier than before, but they are becoming stronger in themselves. After thinking about the situation, person A has managed to turn the potential confidence blow and source of anxiety into a positive, new experience.
Person B however, is not doing well. The divorce was a blow to their self-esteem and feels like the new single life is a sign of them being a failure. This loss of self-confidence and self-worth has caused a distraction, and since person B was so deeply immersed in the sadness for too long, they feel lonely and angry at the situation they have been put in. After thinking about the situation, person B has managed to bury themselves deeper into the confidence blow, and source of anxiety has amplified into a negative loop of feeling worthless, helpless and they have remained “stuck” in their life.
The moral of this story is that, regardless of what happens to a person during their life, it is the way they perceive the situation that affects the experience.
What does an NLP Master Practitioner do?
Most of the feelings that people communicate are actually communicated unconsciously, be it through tone, volume, facial expressions, body language and words.
NLP helps to recognize these subtle, unconscious clues so that they can understand how their client is feeling.
As an NLP Coach I will identify the self-sabotaging limiting beliefs and restrictions the one may have put on themselves, and work with them to move forward.
The three most common types of limiting beliefs include:
It’s easy for people to set themselves up for failure if they are constantly lurking in negative thoughts. Beliefs such as, “I’m not good enough” or “other people are better than me” can limit the chance of any accomplishment.
In NLP, beliefs are treated as beliefs – not as facts or truths. Bottom line, you have a conscious choice about what you believe, and if you don’t like the outcomes you get from a belief, you have the flexibility to change it.
What to expect in a session?
In an NLP coaching session, I will work through a range of exercises and techniques with you in order to piece together your own “life map”. To uncover your own blueprint.
I will begin to introduce new thought processes in order to help you widen your boundaries.
While the main neurological changes will have occurred during the session, they may take time to settle in. It is normal for the changes to progress over time,as you get back into your daily routine.
NLP is a popular method because it main focus is to explore future possibilities and solutions, rather than leading you to relive your past memories or experiences. NLP coaching is about creating opportunities and widening perceptions, rather than focusing on the negatives.