WHAT IS Phototherapy?
"PhotoTherapy Techniques use pictures and photos (and the feelings, memories, thoughts and information these evoke) as catalysts for therapeutic communication and healing"
Words of Judy Weiss
What is Phototherapy and how can it help you?
Judy Weiser is a Psychologist, Art Therapist, consultant, trainer, international lecturer, and author — and one of the creators of PhotoTherapy.
Judy Weiser discovered that PhotoTherapy Techniques use people's own personal photos, and photos taken by others to uncover, to unveil clients true emotions and perceptions.
She explains that feelings, memories, thoughts, beliefs, and other information these photos evoke, reveal their hidden associations, memories, aspirations, and basically the "hidden clues" to ones self life journey.
It can deepen their therapy process in ways that words alone cannot do.
Judy Weiser believes that every photo is also a kind of "mirror with memory" reflecting back to specific moments and emotions in their life, where they can be guided to self-understanding, self-discovery, self-healing, sharpened awareness, and basically, these photos become a visual footprint exposing where they have been (emotionally, as well as physically) and also may uncover where they might be heading next.
Revealing this information will essentially help the client to easily be led to a desried state, which is; making change, shifting their point of view/perception, and breaking the pattern.
Judy Weiser says “The actual meaning of any photograph lies less in its visual facts and more in what these details evoke inside the mind (and heart) of each viewer”
While looking at a snapshot, people spontaneously create the meaning that they think is coming from that photo itself, so its meaning, and emotional "message" is dependent on people's personal perceptions and own life experiences, which will always define, what they see as real.
If the right kinds of questions are asked, people can actually reveal a lot about themselves.
What is happening is the person comes to contact with their unconscious mind (which is where all their hidden secrets lay) yet on a conscious level, deepening their connection with their consciousness.
Phototherapy is the art of connecting the side of left brain and the right side of the brain.
A theory based on the faxe that 2 hemispheres of the brain function differently, came to light in 1960 thanks to research by neuropsychologist and neurobiologist
Roger W Sperry.
He discovered and understood that the right and left side of the brain process information in a very different way, and that the two sides of the brain actually do not work independently to each other.
The difference of how each side of the brain process information:
RIGHT BRAIN (Non Verbal)
Imagination, Holistic thinking, emotional, intuition, visualizations, artistic
Logical, Facts, Thinking in words, discriminator
There has been a lot of research by neuroscience for over a decade, which found that although the two hemispheres function differently, they are actually completely tied together physically and psychologically.
This means that they work together, and compliment each other. That we do not use only one side of the brain at a time, as old beliefs taught us.
The human brain is very adaptable to change, on a physical and psychological level. It is tailor made for learning.
With the discovery that in order to truly access one's inner self, highest self, unconscious self, we must open our hearts and our minds (Left brain and right brain)
When this happens, it can offer inner “in-sights” about things that are less consciously obvious, and serve as a bridge for accessing, exploring, and communicating about feelings and memories, including deeply buried or long-forgotten ones.
Under the guidance of someone trained in PhotoTherapy techniques, clients explore what their own personal meanings are about emotionally.
As clients discuss the layers of meanings within their photographs, they reveal a lot about themselves:
their inner values, beliefs, attitudes and expectations.
These nonverbal codes hold important clues about how people make sense of their world (and their place within it).
Phototherapy can activate all that it brings to mind, exploring its visual messages, entering into dialogues with it, asking it questions, considering the results of imagined changes or different viewpoints.